Monday, July 2, 2012

What does it mean to "detox" the body?

What on earth is detoxing the body and why is it important?  The word DETOX does not sound great to most people and sounds very complicated but it is far from the truth.  Detox should be the way we eat and what our body intakes.  Let me explain why it's important and a few ways to try. 

Toxic agents are everywhere in our world. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the household cleaners we spray, the electronics we use on a daily basis… However, toxic free radicals are formed in the body too. Stress hormones, emotional disturbances, anxiety and negative emotions all create free radicals as well. Living without toxic buildup is virtually impossible, which is why our body has built in mechanisms to deal with toxic overload. Crying, sweating, urination and defecation are all natural protocols employed by the body to rid itself of toxins.

Because toxins are part of our daily life, both inside and out, it may seem that they are a natural part of living and that additional measures to deal with them are unnecessary. This, in part, is true. Free radical exposure is part of life, however, with the overabundance of chemicals and pesticides in our foods and environment, and the increasing levels of stress in our society, our body is overwhelmed with toxic buildup and needs additional help in expelling unnecessary waste material.

Despite overwhelming advancements in medical care our society is sicker than ever. We may be living longer, but we’re riddled with illness and disease. Nearly all sickness in industrialized countries is due to toxic build up in the body. Often times toxins bind to sex hormones or thyroid hormones which slows metabolism, causing weight gain. Additionally, toxins are stored in fat cells, also contributing to excess weight. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, gastroesophageal reflux disease, fatty liver, gallstones, osteoarthritis, stroke, lower back pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, dementia, sleep apnea, asthma and depression are just some of the illnesses associated with obesity.

Because toxins affect both the structure and function of cells, they cause a myriad of health problems in their own right. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis and lupus, migraines, premature aging, digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea or bloating, skin conditions, aches and pains, PMS and food allergies or intolerances are all the result of toxic buildup in the body.
detox pathways2 300x210 Why Do I Need To Detox My Body?Detoxification is so important because it can literally reverse the symptoms of illness and change your life. There are many different types of detoxification protocols and it is important to find one that works well for you. The liver, small intestine, kidneys, and colon are the major organs involved in the body’s detoxification system. However, when employing any type of cleanse (like a juice cleanse, liver and gallbladder cleanse, elimination diet, heavy metal cleanse, etc.) it is important to first cleanse the kidneys and colon, as these two eliminative organs are responsible for carrying toxic waste out of the body. If they aren’t cleared of blockages, you can end up with even more toxic buildup, as the toxins that are being expelled have nowhere to go. 

There are many techniques you can follow and supplements you can take to detox your body. One in particular is to eat detoxifying foods.

Here is a list of detox foodsthat are a great addition to everybody’s diet.
Detox Foods Apple

1. Fruits

Fruits are high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and important vitamins.

2. Green Foods

Detox Foods Spinach
Fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.
Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.

3. Lemons, Oranges, and Limes

Detox Foods Lemon
Citrus fruit aids the body in flushing out toxins and jump starts the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.
Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.
Detox Foods Garlic

4. Garlic

This pungent little bulb is one of the best detoxing foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system. I recommend adding sliced or cooked garlic to a suitable dish, as this will help aid any detox diet.

5. Broccoli Sprouts

Extremely high in antioxidants, the ability for broccoli sprouts to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract is unparalleled. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable.

Green Tea Detox

6. Green Tea

Packed full of antioxidants, green tea washes toxins from the system via its liquid content, but also contains a special type of antioxidant called catechins, which are known to increase liver function.

7. Mung Beans

Mung Beans
The mighty mung bean has been used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years. It is incredibly easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue on the sides of the intestinal walls.

8. Raw Vegetables

Detox Foods
Best for juicing or eaten raw: Onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

9. Seeds and Nuts

Incorporate more of the easily digestible seeds and nuts into your diet. Flax seed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Siberian cedar nuts and sunflower seeds are all excellent options. While detoxing, avoid nut butters.

10. Omega-3 Oils

Use hemp, avocado, olive oils or flax seed oil while detoxing. This will help lubricate the intestinal walls, allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, and eliminated by the body.